How our waterfowl can help with child development

Animals in general can contribute several benefits to humans. Pets of many kinds may help lower stress, loneliness, and anxiety. They may even encourage their owners to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle. Animals may also help with children’s development. Early experiences influence your child’s brain, and their environment is essential for their language, cognitive, […]

Pal-Mates — weekend web tip

Limping or lameness. There are lots of reasons why waterfowl may go lame. Accident and injury, perhaps after being chased, painful feet because they have calluses or bumble foot, age related degeneration can all be causes. A high parasitic worm burden can also make birds limp, so worth considering if you notice a change in […]

Just starting with incubation?

Our slide presentation on Facebook will guide you through the process.

Are you secure?

Do you know the signs of #BirdFlu? See APHA’s list of signs here:… Contact your vet immediately if you suspect #AvianInfluenza. It is a legal requirement to report it to APHA if you are in England, Wales or Scotland. Unfortunately, as of 29th December 2021, there are now 65 confirmed cases of Avian Influenza […]

Weekend Webbies — Just One Thing

Black East Indian drake

With our birds probably in flockdown, their drinking and bathing water might not be in the ideal pool. Movement can keep water open, but smaller volumes than usual may be prone to freezing if we get a really cold snap. Check to make sure birds can still get out if a rim of ice was […]