Are you secure?

Do you know the signs of #BirdFlu? See APHA’s list of signs here:… Contact your vet immediately if you suspect #AvianInfluenza. It is a legal requirement to report it to APHA if you are in England, Wales or Scotland. Unfortunately, as of 29th December 2021, there are now 65 confirmed cases of Avian Influenza […]

Are you a webbie?

 What would you call a bunch of enthusiasts who love ducks, geese and swans? We are paddling into the competition season with a search for a brilliant word. Comment on our Facebook page with your suggestion, like and share our post to friends and family and you could win a copy of the great new […]

Members’ Adverts

montage of birds for sale

Members of the BWA are invited to advertise any birds/equipment they have available for sale. There is no charge. You can submit your advert via the Member Area.   •  Bird flu  • Before considering moving birds or equipment, do check whether they are in a restricted zone where this may not be permitted. These […]