Wildfowl Contribution 2020 — Arnold Schouten

For the first time, this year the Wildfowl Contribution Award goes to an overseas member: Arnold Schouten of Dry Creek Waterfowl. He is known internationally for his captive breeding programme, which allows for scientific research without having to take birds out of the wild. In 2012, the International Wild Waterfowl Association inducted him into its Waterfowl Breeders Hall of Fame. Arnold served as IWWA President between 2012 and 2017. By them he was given the Southwick Memorial Award in 1996 and in 2003 the Jean Delacour Avicultural Award.

Amongst many other species, the Schoutens are experts in King Eider, Long-tailed Duck, Bufflehead, Scaly-sided Merganser, Harlequin Duck, Smew, scoters, and Goldeneye. Significantly, they hold the only captive flock of Steller's Eiders in North America outside of the Alaska Sea Life Centre.
What sets Arnold apart from many skilled waterfowl keepers is generosity to friends across the world with his knowledge. As well as supporting the Alaska Sea Life Centre, Arnold and Debbie Schouten have been involved in environmental work on the North Olympic Peninsula and across the West. Along with his modest and quiet approach, you know that Arnold's advice is accurate and without prejudice.
Arnold Schouten — Surfrider Foundation.