Housing measures now apply to Northern Ireland and from Friday also to Wales

The requirement to house our birds was announced for Northern Ireland today. On Friday 2nd December it will also apply to Wales. The details of these housing orders are broadly similar to those in force in England. Full specific details can be found for each administration: https://www.gov.uk/animal-disease-cases-england/avian-influenza-prevention-zone-aipz-including-housing-measures-the-whole-of-england https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/news/avian-housing-order-introduced-ni https://gov.wales/avian-influenza-bird-flu-latest-update The ability to keep waterfowl under […]
Mandatory Housing Measures starting

From 00.01 on October 12th 2022, all poultry and captive birds should be housed in Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex. The housing order legally requires all bird keepers in these areas to keep their birds indoors and to follow stringent biosecurity measures to help protect their flocks from Avian Influenza. This is for all […]