Win a free room at the AGM party

Book now and you could win a great freebee. Although our open days are usually member-only, our weekend at Hellidon Lakes is open to all. The AGM business part of the event is only a small part. Come along and join us for party time! Rekindling the spirit of friendship and love of waterfowl at […]
Pal-Mates … weekend web tip
UK Breeds at Risk. Where do you stand if your collection succumbs to bird flu? Geese Brecon Buff Buff Back Chinese Embden Greyback Pilgrim Roman Sebastopol Shetland Steinbacher Toulouse (British standard) West of England Ducks Abacot Ranger Aylesbury Cayuga Orpington Pekin Rouen Shetland Duck APHA tells us that each outbreak is examined individually, but […]
Avian Influenza Prevention Zones

A second UK region is now subject to mandatory enhanced biosecurity measures. Today at noon, Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex became and Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ). This means that it is a legal requirement for bird keepers to follow strict biosecurity measures to protect their birds. Earlier this month, although the restrictions over […]
Pal-Mates …weekend web tip

Pal -Mates …weekend web tip Y s for Yellow Belly and Yap Yap Yap!. The colour genetics of the Yellow Belly Call are not fully investigated, but these delightful little birds are certainly handsome. Topsides, that is above the waterline, they strongly resemble the wild Mallard colour. The ducks do have rich pinkish buff on […]
Pal-Mates … weekend web tip

W is for wild, introduced or domestic? When we talk about wild waterfowl in Britain, we usually mean the birds ‘ordinarily resident’ here, in their wild colour and form. Some, like the Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) or Egyptian Geese (Alopochen aegyptiaca) have been released and have naturalised, but they don’t really belong here. Introduced species […]