Coscoroba Swan

Breeding Coscorobas can be pugnaceous. Occasionally a territorial dispute can end in a death of one party. For this reason it is best not to keep them with other large species. They will tolerate smaller ducks though as they tend to be ignored.
Adults are slow feeders, so if kept with other species, separate feeding should be organised.

Coscoroba coscoroba
Although not a true swan, the Coscoroba Swan is a species of waterfowl endemic to southern South America. It is considered as an early branch from the common ancestor leading to true geese and swans, and recent genetic studies have revealed that is closely related to the Cape Barren Goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae).

Coscoroba Swans are best kept on larger areas of water with an equal area of grazing. The pond should have areas of gently sloping sides to allow them in and out. Especially if you plan to parent rear.
Hand-reared cygnets will appreciate access to water at an early age. Initial swimming should be supervised until getting out of the water and finding the heat are guaranteed. Care is needed to ensure cygnets do start feeding initially. Starter pellets, chopped green food and for the first few days chopped hard-boiled egg may be given. Unlimited green food is important as the cygnets grow and grit should always be available.

Laying in UK usually happens between early April to the end of May, 4-7 whitish eggs are laid on a large pile of vegetation. Incubation is about 35 days, both parents take part in rearing the young.